Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Father, I want to be useful for you. Keep me from the subtle hold of pride.

For most of us, the subtle encroachment of pride is more dangerous, and more likely to render us useless to God and others, than any other kind of failure.   

~~Nancy Leigh DeMoss  

This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
Failure is a sad word. We fear failure. We don’t want to fail at anything. Yet how do we view success? God doesn’t measure success by the amount in our bank account, the rung we’ve reached on the corporate ladder, or even the number of our friends on Facebook. Sometimes it seems that his measures are upside-down to ours. He treasures humility and hates pride.
Why? Because pride is dangerous. Nancy Leigh DeMoss warns that it we can render us useless to God and others. How horrible to have great gifts and to be useless to God because of pride. But it happens slowly, subtly, almost without our noticing. Thinking a bit too highly of ourselves; forging ahead without God’s guidance; doing good things without the humility of trust in God.
Want to succeed in God’s eyes? Want to be useful to him? Serve with humility and love.
Prayer for Meditation
Father, I want to be useful for you. Keep me from the subtle hold of pride.
Scripture for Meditation
Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 

Music for Meditation 

Go Light the World


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