The One who created you, who formed you—body, soul, and spirit—is
not only your creator, He is also your sustainer.
~~Kay Arthur
morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest
Christian Women Writers of All Time.
created you . . . take a moment to breathe in that very thought. You’re not an
accident, not a chance of nature, not a result of evolutionary slime. No, you
were expressly created. God chose every part of you, every physical and
emotional detail, every gift and talent, and put the package together to be
delivered into the world at a precise time in history, at a precise place, into
a precise family.
beyond that, he sustains you. He doesn’t leave you to fend for yourself. He
wants to take those details, those gifts and talents—that whole package—and use
it for his glory. He wants to keep you strong and vibrant. He wants to draw you
ever closer to him, the source of life.
you feel worn down, ask your Sustainer to refresh, revive, and renew you. It
will be his pleasure.
for Meditation
I’m feeling a little worn out, Father.
I need you to revive me.
for Meditation—Psalm 119:116-117
sustain me as you promised that I may live!
not let my hope be crushed.
me, and I will be rescued;
I will meditate continually on your decrees.
for Meditation
God Will Make A Way
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