This love disclosing itself was no cosmic Creator of a mechanistic universe, for the revelation was intimate, personal . . . God insists on seeing us one by one, each a special case, each inestimably loved for himself.
~~Catherine Marshall
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
Stars too numerous to count. Fragile butterflies of breathtaking beauty. The laws of gravity and of the seasons. The rotation of the planets. The colors of a rainbow. The intricacies of a rosebud. Surely the Author of all this has a full calendar and a waiting list of at least a few thousand years.
But no. He created us too, and calls us even more beloved than the rest of creation, for we alone are made in his image. He insists on seeing us one by one. He invites us to be his own children, adopted into his family. Personally known by him. Beloved by him. We are “inestimably loved,” as Catherine Marshall reminds us.
Look at the beautiful love—gifts of the created universe; read God’s love letter; feel his delight in you. He desires one-on-one time with you. He’s got it set aside. No waiting.
What about you?
Prayer for Meditation
Father, thanks that I don’t have to wait—you’re always here.
Scripture for Meditation
Yet you made them only a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. Hebrews 2:7
Music for Meditation
In Your Arms
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