Sometimes God wraps His glory in hard circumstances or ugly obstacles or painful difficulties, and it just never occurs to us that within those life-shaking events is a fresh revelation of Him.
~~Ann Graham Lutz
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
Matt and Shelley experienced the tragedy every parent dreads. Their precious daughter, Malayne, came into this world with a myriad of problems. She clung to life for eleven days. Within moments of hearing her mommy sing “Jesus Loves Me,” Melayne met him face to face.
This is what Shelley later said: “When God requires us to go through something we before thought unendurable, he gives of himself to a degree which is nothing short of miraculous. He was right there! In my face, by my side, surrounding me. It was overwhelming. If I had to do it all over again, I would—If it meant feeling and experiencing the palpable presence of Jesus once again.”
God revealed himself to Matt and Shelley during what should have been their darkest days. They found him to be all their aching hearts required.
This is the Jesus we serve. That is the Jesus we love.
Prayer for Meditation
Lord, I praise you, the mighty God who reaches down to lift up his children.
Scripture for Meditation
You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Psalm 139:5
Music for Meditation
Jesus Loves Me
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