Always be faithful in little things, for in them our strength lives.
~~Mother Teresa
morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest
Christian Women Writers of All Time.
things matter. Too often we focus on the big things of our faith and miss the
little things. But as Mother Teresa explains, we need to first be faithful in
the little thing. That gives us the strength for the “big” things.
subtle, but we can find ourselves rationalizing some sins—“I deserve a break .
. . No one will know . . .I’m not hurting anyone.” But those very choices eat
away at our character, undermining the strength we need to handle the powerful
temptations, the weighty responsibilities. If we can’t handle the small things,
it follows that we cannot handle the big things either.
focus on the small stuff. Quiet honesty. Hidden acts of kindness. Willingly
turning away from temptation even when no one else will know.
faithfulness there lays the foundation for faithfulness in the big areas of
little things really do add up.
for Meditation
Lord, help me to be faithful in the
little things.
for Meditation
Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the
vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming! Song of Songs 2:15
for Meditation
Change My Heart Oh God
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