Today I believe in miracles. Out of brokenness can come good: Character can be deepened, relationships can be restored, emotions can be steadied, and a mind can be healed. Now, isn’t that miraculous?
~~Patsy Clairmont
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
When things in our lives are broken, confused, and hopeless, we want nothing short of a miracle. We know that, in order to solve the problem, it will take something out of the ordinary, something beyond the realm of possibility.
Then, sure enough, hope shines through. Out of brokenness comes good. Relationships thought long lost are restored. Emotions considered too overwhelming are steadied. Even minds are healed. Through it all, we find a depth to our character we didn’t’ know existed.
That too is a miracle.
God wants us. He wants our full selves, and sometimes it takes brokenness for us to turn to him. He doesn’t want to be our “fair-weather friend”; he wants to show himself miraculous in our lives through the storms and valleys we face.
Miracles? They happen every day when God is involved. Look around. You’ll see them everywhere.
Prayer for Meditation
Help me, Father, to trust you to work your miracles in me.
Scripture for Meditation
You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. Psalm 77:14
Music for Meditation
When I Cry
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