This whole business of guidance, obviously,
is a highly personal thing . . .
All I can do is recommend to anyone who is troubled or uncertain
or confused that they ask for it—and see what happens.
~Ruth Stafford Peale
Our prayer and meditation this morning for Sally’s healing is an excerpt from Take My Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Great Christian Women Writers of All Time.
During his short years here on earth, Jesus frequently asked for God’s help. He went to God on the mountain for guidance about the choice of twelve disciples. He wept with a broken heart in the Garden of Gethsemane as he faced the future. Jesus modeled how to recognize human limits and ask for divine direction.
When we are troubled, uncertain, or confused, we are invited to ask our loving, wise Father for guidance. He will pour it out onto us. Freely. Abundantly. We don’t have to beg him or force him—he wants to guide us. He knows the future and specifically what we need. He will replace our ambiguity with decisiveness, our bewilderment with good sense, our troubled hearts with peace.
He desires to take you—his precious child—by the hand and lead you today. This guidance from God—it’s personal and it’s yours. Just ask.
Scripture for Meditation - Psalm 48:14
For that is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever,
and he will be our guide until we die.
and he will be our guide until we die.
Music for Meditation
Here I Am, Lord
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