Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Right Here. Right Now.

Right Here. Right Now. Four little yet powerful words. Jim and Sally repeat them often. God does amazing things and He often does them Right Here. Right Now.

Join us as we pray for Sally's release from the hospital and for more good test results. She has been lifted up by your prayers and your well wishes. Please sign the comment section below (a short message that says "I'm thinking of you" or "Get well soon") or send an email to Prayersforsally@gmail.com and your message will be posted to the blog for her to read.

Prayer for Meditation

"I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 1:19


  1. This post was received through Prayers For Sally Email:

    Good Morning Sal!!

    Just checking in to let you know I love you. Have a great day!


  2. This post was received through email from Dorothy:

    Odyssey by Molly Balfour
    on my personal odyssey through cancer

    I endeavour to be -

    As strong as Atlas
    Easily bearing my burden;
    As brave as Perseus
    Killing this snake-headed Medusa;
    As heroic as Herakles
    Overcoming all the challenges;
    Finding my way through the twisting maze;
    As energetic as Hermes
    Out and about flying on winged heels;
    As wise as Athena
    Being both mindful and inventive;
    Charmed by Orpheus
    Letting sweet music kill care and heartache.
    For I want to be
    Like Aphrodite
    Rising from the dark sea into the brightness.
