The habit of discernment is a quality of attentiveness to God that is so intimate that over time we develop an intuitive sense of God’s heart and purpose in any given moment. We become familiar with God’s voice.
~~Ruth Haley Barton
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
If you have been married or have been around a certain person for any length of time, you get to know that person well—what he or she is going to say; the response to any given situation, even if he or she has had a bad day. You know without hearing the words. You have developed an intuitive knowledge and understanding.
This is the intimate knowledge and relationship that our heavenly Father desires with us. He wants us to know his voice so closely that we will sense, as Ruth Barton says, his “heart and purpose in any given moment.” This is discernment—the ability to understand what God wants as singled out from all of the other voices clamoring for our attention.
To discern his voice is to listen attentively and intimately.
Shhh. Can you hear him?
Prayer for Meditation
Dear Father, help me to discern your voice so I will know your good and perfect will.
Scripture for Meditation
Give discernment to me, your servant; then I will understand your laws. Psalm 119:125
Music for Meditation
Take Me Deeper
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