The telephone rings—loud, jarring . . . dissolving my precious moment of stolen solitude. Then . . . I suddenly know . . . that God is in the ringing, that God is the interruption.
~~Edwina Gateley
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
Stolen solitude. How true it is that to find precious moments to talk with God, we need to steal the time from other tasks that beckon us. And even then, we cannot always get away. Interruptions dissolve those quiet moments and the silence is shattered.
Like a breaking dish, the fragility of silence is hard to repair. Instead, we usually set aside the pieces of what could have been and return to the world of ringing phones and demanding obligations.
But what if God’s message is in the interruption? To see it that way changes everything. Instead of being unhappy or frustrated, seeing interruptions as God-given allows us to simply take God with us back into the demands of our day.
God speaks in many ways. We crave solitude—and we do need it at times. But when interruptions come, let God redeem them. He has a message for you.
Prayer for Meditation
Lord, help me see you and hear you in all the interruptions of my life.
Scripture for Meditation
I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly seek his praises.
Music for Meditation
Adam, Where Are You
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