Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it.
~~Lucy Maud Montgomery
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
A new day. A blank slate. No mistakes. An opportunity to start over.
That is the definition of grace.
Each day we do our best, but so often we slip up. If a great computer in the sky were tracking our every misstep, we would be overwhelmed and hopeless. The data would be our undoing. But even if that computer did exist, grace means that each night it would crash and all the data would be wiped out. All those mistakes—gone, forgiven, covered by the blood of Christ. Start again tomorrow, dear one. It’s a new day.
Cling to the miracle of grace. Grace is the unmerited favor and mercy of God. Grace is the gift of second, third, and fiftieth chances. Every day there is a fresh supply, and it is sufficient to keep you moving forward, seeking to live for the Lord.
Great is his faithfulness.
Prayer for Meditation
Your compassions never fail. They are new every morning.
Scripture for Meditation
The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:22-23
Music for Meditation
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