He said not “Thou shalt not be tempested, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be diseased;” but he said, “Thou shalt not be overcome.”
~~Julian of Norwich
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
God never promised to make life easy.
Julian of Norwich understood that God never said that his followers would be excused from the storms of life, or the travail of difficulties, or the sorrows of disease and discomfort. But God did say that we would not be overcome.
Many people want it to be different. They don’t want to believe in a God who would allow storms and sorrows and suffering. Yet God is preparing a perfect place for his followers—it’s called heaven. For now, however, we are in the world—called to trust no matter what, called to stand strong. We have the word of the One who has overcome, the One who makes all things right, the One who has the power to bring good from evil.
Take your tempests and trials to the One who has overcome the world. He will take care of you.
Prayer for Meditation
Heavenly Father, when I’m overwhelmed, it’s a blessing to know that I’m not overcome.
Scripture for Meditation
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Music for Meditation
Take Me Deeper
If you feel led to do so, please post a note of encouragement in the comment section below, or send your note by email to PrayersForSally@gmail.com.
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