To receive any deep, inward profit from the Scripture you must .
. . plunge into the very depths of the words you read until revelation, like a
sweet aroma, breaks out upon you.
~~Madame Guyon
morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest
Christian Women Writers of All Time.
Bible can seem, like a very scary book. We crack open the pages and hope to read
something we can understand, let alone gain some insight and encouragement for
life today.
Guyon would say, dive in. Plunge to the very depths of the words. Let them surround
you, wash over you. Because it is living and active, God’s Word makes its way
into your heart. Like the sweet aroma rising from freshly baked bread, the
revelation will rise out of the pages. It will shine a light into your darkness.
exposes everything, good and bad. When you can see, you can clean away the
cobwebs in your life. God’s Word will describe how God’s holiness can pour over
you and rid your life of unhealthy relationships and destructive addictions. The
brilliance of his Word burns away the shadows.
all starts when you open your Bible.
for Meditation
I’m diving into your word, Lord, I want
to learn more about you.
for Meditation
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than
the sharpest two-edge sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and
marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews
for Meditation
Word of God Speaks
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