Those who abandon ship the first time it enters a storm miss the calm beyond. And the rougher the storms weathered together, the deeper and stronger real love grows.
~~Ruth Bell Graham
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take My Heart Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
Storms hit our lives out of nowhere. Gale-force winds knock our sails; waves splash over the bow and across the deck. When life hits choppy waters, our first response may be to go below, to give up and abandon the ship to the waves.
To do that, however, is to believe that the storm will never pass, to abandon hope that life will ever get better. But after the storm comes the calm. And that calm will seem so much greater after having faced the storm.
If you give up hope and abandon the ship in choppy seas, you miss “the calm beyond.” When you’ve weathered the storms with those you love, the bonds created will draw you that much closer.
In your choppy seas, hold on tight. The storm will pass, the sea will grow calm, the love you share will be stronger.
Prayer for Meditation
Lord God, you are my only hope. I trust you through the storm.
Scripture for Meditation
When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation. Proverbs 10:25
Music for Meditation
Jesus Calms the Storm
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