Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lord, in silence I come to you to hear and to serve and to find peace.

The fruit of silence is PRAYER.
The fruit of prayer is FAITH.
The fruit of faith is LOVE.
The fruit of love is SERVICE.
The fruit of service is PEACE 

~~Mother Teresa 

This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
Tending to the needs of the sick, the suffering, and the dying, Mother Teresa shared the light of Christ with the world. She practiced five simple steps in her life, steps that lead to peace. Each step builds upon the previous step, and so step one is vital—the need for us to find a place of silence in order to commune with God.
Silence allows us to open our hearts to God, who longs for us to turn to him. This is followed by prayer, where we share our concerns with God. Prayer leads to faith, which wells up in our hearts as confident trust in our Savior. This reassurance allows us to embrace others with kindness and to serve them. That kind of service brings peace. Like falling back onto a sumptuous featherbed, God’s peace enfolds us and brings us in silence back to him to begin the cycle again.
Prayer for Meditation
Lord, in silence I come to you to hear and to serve and to find peace.
Scripture for Meditation
And this righteousness will bring peace.  Yes, it will bring quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17 

Music for Meditation

Perfect Peace


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