Monday, February 20, 2012

God, thank you for dotting reminders of your promises and light across my black night.

Millions of stars glittered against its black backdrop. Was this what Abraham saw when God made His promise? Stars so brilliant and numerous no one could doubt His omnipotence?  

~~Deeanne Gist  

This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
It’s humbling to gaze into the inky blackness of night at the infinite pinpricks of twinkling lights. You feel small. The vastness of the heavens adorned with spectacular white jewels surrounds you, and in that solitary moment you grasp a glimmer of light in your own world of darkness: God is unfathomably big. And if such a God makes promises, he can surely keep them.
As the Lord impressed upon Abraham with his vivid celestial show, he also promises to love you, redeem you, and prosper you for your faithfulness. It’s written in the stars across the sky, after all—his beautiful reminder that if he calls the stars by name you can be assured that you are immeasurably more precious to him. Remember as you stand diminutive, smack in the middle of God’s big canvas for your life, that he has painted his love for you all across the heavens.
Prayer for Meditation
God, thank you for dotting reminders of your promises and light across my black night.
Scripture for Meditation
To whom will you compare me?
Who is my equal? asks the Holy One
Look up into the heavens.
Who created all the stars?
He brings them out like an army, one after another,
calling each by its name.
Because of his great power and incomparable strength,
not a single one is missing.
O Jacob, how can you say the LORD does not see your troubles?
O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights? Isaiah 40:25-27 

Music for Meditation 

How Great Thou Art

If you feel led to do so, please post a note of encouragement in the comment section below, or send your note by email to

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