Whether things are good or bad, happy or sad, difficult or easy,
You’re in the middle of a God-ordained adventure that changes
day-by-day—sometimes second by second.
~~Thelma Wells
This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
Every day we venture into the unknown. Every day appears to us as a blank slate (although, of course, God has already painted it). We step out and begin the adventure. What awaits? Isn’t it wonderful to know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that everything that happens to us today has already passed through God’s hands? Nothing takes him by surprise. The joys and sorrows are part of the grand adventure of life.
And life changes moment by moment. The events of a split second can send us into joy or sorrow. It’s all part of the adventure.
We could face life with fear, anger, bitterness. We could choose to see each day as a sorry journey to nowhere. But why do that when God says, “Join me!” How much better to look at life as a vast uncharted territory to explore, looking to see what God ordained surprises await us!
Prayer for Meditation
Lord, let’s go! I’m ready for today’s adventure.
Scripture for Meditation
He will keep you strong right up to the end, and he will keep you free from all blame on the great day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. God will surely do this for you, for he always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his son, Jesus Christ our Lord. I Corinthians 1:8-9
Music for Meditation
I’m Free
If you feel led to do so, please post a note of encouragement in the comment section below, or send your note by email to PrayersForSally@gmail.com.
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