This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Moments of Peace for the morning: Inspirational Thoughts and Prayers to begin Your Day.
There are issues in which you cannot help yourself. There are hurts you do not know how to heal, mistakes you need forgiveness for, and obstacles to knowing God that you are unable to overcome by yourself.
God brings you joy because he prevails over all those things. Your victory is not about how hard you try but about how he helps you.
God has done extraordinary things for you—even providing the way for you to know God. His is the name of joy—say it today with gladness.
Prayer for Meditation
Dear God, your name makes me rejoice. Thank you for doing everything necessary so that I can enjoy you forever. Amen.
Scripture for Meditation
You are to name Him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
We can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God—all because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done for us in making us friends of God. Romans 5:11
Music for Meditation
A Friend of God
A Friend of God
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