Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What if we could know what the future holds?

If I had been told what I was to learn through those lengthy sufferings, I am afraid I would have shrunk back in terror, and to have lost all the sweet lessons God proposed to teach me.  

~~Elizabeth Prentiss

This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
What if we could know what the future holds? It seems like a good idea. If we could know what’s going to happen to us, we’d be better prepared, right.
But what if the future holds suffering? What if we discover that the coming years will bring pain, difficulty, or sorrow? To know would cause us, as Elizabeth Prentiss says to shrink back in terror—not wanting to take another step toward the pain.
It is much better for us not to know too much, but instead to live life fully every day. Then, when suffering comes, we trust in God’s promises of his grace to endure. And beyond that, we watch for the sweet lessons he proposes to teach us in the midst of our suffering—lessons we could not learn any other way.
In your suffering, dear sister, God has sweet lessons for you. Let him teach you.
Prayer for Meditation
Teach me the sweet lessons you have for me, Lord. I am your student.  
Scripture for Meditation
I am your servant; deal with me in unfailing love, and teach me your decrees. Psalm 119:124
Music for Meditation


If you feel led to do so, please post a note of encouragement in the comment section below, or send your note by email to PrayersForSally@gmail.com

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