Friday, November 11, 2011

As long as there's a God, there's a choice

As long as there’s a God, there’s a choice . . . No matter what life hands us, we will have choice. We can’t always choose our circumstances . . . but we can choose our response to them.

~~Janette Ore

This morning’s prayer and meditation for Sally’s healing comes from Take Heart, Oh God: Riches from the Greatest Christian Women Writers of All Time.
When we were young, what seemed like complicated choices were really quite simple. Chocolate or vanilla ice cream with the chocolate cake? A red bike or a blue bike? Lunch from home or from the school cafeteria? Other choices reflected our right-or-wrong beliefs. Cheating on a test. Gossiping about a friend. Being a bad sport.
As adults, however, our choices become more serious. Who will we marry? What kind of job training do we need? Where should we live? Other, more troubling issues could follow: What do we do about an unhappy marriage? How do we handle a life-threatening illness? How can we pay the bills when we’ve lost our job?
We can’t always choose our circumstances. We don’t always control life’s events. But we can choose how to respond when facing those circumstances, those life events. As Jeanette says, as long as there’s a God, there’s a choice.
Prayer for Meditation
God, may my choices bring honor and glory to your name.  
Scripture for Meditation
How much better to get wisdom than gold, and good judgment than silver! Proverbs 16:16
Music for Meditation

More than Enough 

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